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Featured Student

2023 Award Winner
I'm very pleased to announce that Keyed in Music won three awards in the 2023 Active Activities for Kids, coming 3rd place for the Most Popular Kids Activities in Ballarat, after Southern Cross Martial Arts, and Kick4Life.
#3 Most Popular Kids Activity in Ballarat 2023
#6 Most Popular Kids Activity in the Ballarat & Western District Region
#11 Most Popular Kids Activity in South Western Victoria

Heidi is practising like mad and reaping the benefits. Lessons are enjoyable, practice is fun and she's playing with feeling, expression and musciality.

Gary had some lessons in his childhood and wanted to get back to playing for a hobby. He has a very nice digital piano at home on which to practice. I've enjoyed watching his skills develop and hearing the positive results through his fingertips in expression and technique. It's a credit to him and his diligent practice, which is not always easy to fit in as a working adult.

Unathi has a good practice schedule so comes well prepared to her lesson each week. Regular practice is essential for progress and development. Her parents are both very supportive and encouraging too.

Harry had some group piano lessons at school before transferring. He is very enthusiastic and determined to play his pieces correctly, so carefully counts out the rhythm while playing.

Emma continued lessons online via Zoom and/or Facetime during the coronavirus with mum helping out behind the scenes.

Online lessons can be a challenge, especially for the little ones. Camila is giving it her best shot with mum right there to assist, support and encourage.

Leo started piano late last year. As well as learning to read, he has a good ear. His parents are very supportive with his home practice and during the lesson.

Ryan has a great understanding of all the theoretical concepts and can observes links between different pieces of music.

Mary & Christine
Mary and Christine attended a Master Class together to benefit from each other's performance and practice techniques.

Lisa is getting back to music after a break. She comes first thing in the morning before heading off to work.

Evangeline is a lively, animated girl who takes great delight in using stickers to enhance her learning. She has a great ear for music.

Noah is a shy boy with a gentle personality. He transferred from another teacher with working to improve his note-reading skills.

86-year old Bob decided to take up piano late in life! He's finding it a challenge as his arthritic fingers are not responding as he would hope.

Serah is a bright little 4-year old girl who is able to focus and concentrate well through her lesson. Mum is a great support!

Courtney is a super busy mum, wife, employee and student who says attending piano lessons is really important to her.

Rhylan is an interesting young man with a very eclectic musical taste. He always has something out of the ordinary to contribute to lessons.

Aiden is a bright and curious 6-year old boy who loves to experiment with sounds on the keyboard.

Lara & Sierra
Sisters Lara and Sierra are in their second year of lessons at Keyed In Music. They bothe have excellent aural skills and play well by ear.

Jayde is off to a promising start. She is well able to conecntrate, listen and follow instructions. She enjoys learning from her book.

Gift Card recipient Blessed enjoys his first lesson.

Amelia is the sweetest little girl, shy but very bright. She played all by herself at the end of year student recital.

Shirley is pursuing her life-long dream to learn piano as a beginner at the age of 73. She is truly an inspiration to all seniors out there.

5-year old Jensen is very fond of his friends Mozart Mouse and Beethoven Bear. I am staggered by things he can recall week-to-week.

Fiona has more fun at her lessons since starting a regular practice program. It is great to see her sense of humour shine as she relaxes.

Matt comes to lessons during his lunch break. With his busy job and life outside work, he finds piano great for reducing stress.
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